Friday, April 22, 2011

Olympia Laughter Yoga Club

Two young, energetic and vivacious people formed Olympia Laughter Yoga Club last year (along with two other laughter leaders). And it looks like it’s thriving!

Miss Kate came to my laughter club several years ago when she was a student at Evergreen College. Driving up from Olympia on a cold dark rainy Thursday evening (90 miles round trip), with three other students, they were an energetic and enthusiastic addition to my group that night. And I’ve always remembered them for driving the distance for laughter.

Now Kate’s a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader herself. Along with her friend Lightbear, another beautiful laugher and CLYL, they frequent my club from time to time, bringing all their great energy with them.

Check out their club if you live down near Olympia. It meets weekly on Sunday at 12:30 at the Unitarian Church in Olympia. They’re also on facebook: Olympia Laughter Yoga Club.

Photo: Miss Kate

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