Tuesday, July 3, 2012


No discussion about laughter is complete without some mention of Meet-Up.com.

It’s a concept born out of 911.  The founders were living in NYC at the time the towers fell and experienced the type of community that evolves only from tragedy.  Wanting to keep the sense of connection going, they birthed Meet-Up as a way of using the internet, to get people together off the internet, to grow local communities.

It has been instrumental for me in the creation of a new life:  meeting people, connecting with affinity groups, and forming lasting friendships.  With all that comes all the laughter naturally present in all great social events.

Laughter is a social activity and Meet-Up has brought in so much of it. The more the merrier.  The more you are with people you like, the more you connect with people, the more there’s laughter.

A shout-out to Maurice, Keoni, and John G (and myself too) who have hosted some fantastic events with lots of laughs, lots of great food, lots of fun people.  Shout out to my opera Meet-Up where we have gotten into such passionate discussions, with so much raucous laughter, the other restaurant diners pause and stare.  And the HSPs (highly sensitive people) who inherently understand me like no others.  And more and more.

Let the laughter flow.  Meet-Up is a great thing.  I wish I had thought it up.

Photo:  Stock.xchnge

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