Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Whale Wins

 “Laughter is brightest when food is best.”

It’s an Irish proverb written on the floor of my local health food supermarket.  And I watched it happen the other night at dinner.

The Whale Wins is the oddly named restaurant that just opened in my neighborhood and it’s got amazing culinary delights.  My foodie friend and gourmand Maurice joined me there for dinner recently.  I sat across the table from him and watched his reaction as he took his first sip of the parsnip soup.  Even I wasn’t expecting it to elicit a burst of prolonged laughter – it was that good!

We ended up spending way too much, eating way too much - but it was a seriously happy meal.

I know this isn’t a food blog but really, The Whale Wins is a total win, with truly exceptional edible creations.  It might even bring you to laughter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Sounds delicious Teresa!


Hope to see you (and eat with you:) soon!

xo judy